Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Powerful Advocate

“Their captors hold them firmly and refuse to release them. But they have a powerful advocate, whose name is the Lord of Hosts” (Jer. 50:33-34).

Not many who read this are literal captives of their enemies as Israel and Judah were, but it is possible to be limited and constrained by others in such a way that we feel captive. The One who left heaven for us was put into the hands of sinful men, bound, beaten, and led away to be fastened on a cross. He is our companion and fellow sufferer, understanding well the sense of helplessness that the captive feels.

“Since he himself has passed through the test of suffering, he is able to help those who are meeting their test now” Hebrew 2:18.

Not only does Christ fully understand our test---He can do something about it. He is no longer held by nails on a cross, but stands as our powerful Advocate before God, victor over whatever enemy we face today.

The “captivity” may last a while----He did, too----but He can make it shine for you. Bear it in His name and be glad. It will be transformed into a privilege as you offer it back to Him.

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