Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Stood His Ground

Two of the men called “David’s heroes,” Eleazar and Shammah, are remembered because they stood their ground. Eleazar was with David at Pas-Dammim in battle with the Philistines. “When the Israelites fell back, he stood his ground and rained blows on the Philistines until, from sheer weariness, his hand stuck fast to his sword” (2 Sam. 23:10).

Shammah, in a battle which took place in a lentil field, also “stood his ground, saved it, and defeated the Philistines.” The significant thing is that in each case the story says, “So the Lord brought about a great victory.” Another case of how God and man cooperate --- the man doing what he could do, and God therefore doing what the man could not do.

So it is when we pray. We have taken ground for God, and there we stand --- sometimes so tired of praying for something that it becomes almost automatic --- the hand sticks to the sword --- and yet we stand. We will see the Lord arise in response to our prayer. He will give victory because we have done the only thing we could do --- held the ground for Him in prayer.

The Music of His Promises by Elisabeth Elliot

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