Sunday, August 7, 2011

Plunged Into Grief...For Your Good

This is a strange succession of words, isn’t it? What sort of person wants to see another plunged into grief? Jesus spoke these words to His disciples about His own departure from them. He understood their human feelings, and mentioned them matter-of-factly. He did nothing to spare their feelings. Nothing could change the fact that His going would cause grief to the ones He loved best. Nothing could change the necessity of His going. He would leave, and they would sorrow. It was inexorable.

So it is very often in this sorrowing, broken world. Certain things must happen and certain people must suffer, and God does not intervene at the moment to exempt them from suffering. But He does do something. He is not oblivious up there, doing nothing. He has a plan which is also fitting together. He will give us something better. Unimaginable? Of course, as it was unimaginable for the poor disciples who didn’t want the Holy Spirit ---they wanted their Master.

Choose for us, God, nor let our weak preferring
Cheat us of good Thou hast for us designed.
Choose for us, God, Thy wisdom is inerring,
And we are fools and blind.
From “Still Will We Trust”

The Music of His Promises by Elisabeth Elliot

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